Polyp Removal Treatment In Mumbai

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    In both premenopausal and postmenopausal women, endometrial polyps can produce irregular bleeding from the female genital tract. They extend inward into the uterine cavity and are ‘overgrowths’ of the endometrium, the tissues that line the uterus. Some polyps, known as cervical or endocervical polyps, can develop from the womb’s neck.

    Polyps can also exist without generating any symptoms or negatively affecting your health. Endometrial and cervical polyps are mostly benign, although some women can develop cancer. So it is essential for your health that you have uterine polyp removal treatment as soon as possible at Bloom IVF.

    Bloom IVF offers a personalized approach that considers the severity of symptoms, fertility goals, and overall well-being to properly provide effective endometrial polyp removal treatments.

    Endometrial Polyp Symptoms

    In both premenopausal and postmenopausal women, endometrial polyps account for about one-fourth of occurrences of irregular vaginal bleeding. Notably, many polyps show no symptoms.

    Women with endometrial polyps most frequently experience metrorrhagia (irregular vaginal bleeding), which includes spotting, in roughly half of the symptomatic cases. Less common signs include:

    • severe bleeding during the period
    • menopause-related hemorrhage
    • the polyp protruding through the womb’s neck
    • unexpected (‘breakthrough’) bleeding while taking hormonal treatment, such as the oral contraceptive,

    Inconvenient symptoms such as irregular uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, and reproductive problems can be reduced by vaginal polyp removal. An early intervention can greatly boost a woman’s reproductive health and quality of life. With an understanding of the need for prompt action, BloomIVF provides complete endometrial polyp care. Our experienced gynecologists Dr. Rohan Palshetkar and Dr. Nandita Palshetkar employ cutting-edge diagnostic methods to identify and assess polyps.

    Cervical Polyp Treatment

    Endometrial polyps should be found and removed as soon as possible to avoid potential consequences, such as the growth of uterine cancer. The danger of these abnormal growths developing into cancer is reduced by rapidly treating them.

    At Bloom IVF, treatment options, among other options, may include hysteroscopic polypectomy uterus, minimally invasive surgery to remove the polyps, depending on their size, location, and specifics.

    Bloom IVF provides:

    Attentive Waiting

    Small polyps without any symptoms may go away by themselves.


    It has been demonstrated that several hormonal medications, such as progestins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, reduce symptoms. However, using such drugs is typically only a temporary fix because the symptoms return quickly once the drug is stopped.

    Polyp Removal Surgery

    A thin, lit telescope-like device called a hysteroscope is utilized in hysteroscopic endometrial polypectomy. It is inserted into the uterus through the vagina after the cervix has been dilated, and it projects images of the uterus onto a monitor. Small devices are inserted via the hysteroscope for polyp removal. The typical length of the procedure is under an hour, and there is no need for an overnight hospital stay. It is improbable that another polyp will grow in the same spot.

    The most effective treatment for polyp-induced abnormal menstrual bleeding is endometrial polypectomy. Women who have had trouble getting pregnant because of polyps are now more likely to become pregnant.

    Endometrial Polyp Treatment At Bloom IVF

    By fostering an environment that is conducive to implantation and pregnancy, endometrial polyp removal treatment can improve the results of fertility treatments. To effectively manage endometrial polyps and avoid related issues, immediate medical attention and proper treatment from qualified specialists like Dr. Rohan and Nandita Palshetkar at Bloom IVF are vital.

    At Bloom IVF, endometrial polyps are treated right away to reduce symptoms like abnormal bleeding, discomfort, or infertility problems and enhance general reproductive health. Our committed team offers individualized care and support, assisting patients through the therapeutic process with care and knowledge. To get the best possible reproductive results, we put your health first and work to restore your uterine health.